Transformation Tuesday - Eric Stewart

By: Pat Riley

After years of watching friends and family enjoying the sport of running, and noticing another birthday going by and realized that somethign seemed to be missing from his life, Eric decided to make a change. Eric Stewart, a husband and father of two kids, decided to transform to his life with some research on the best and cheap weight-loss technics and through his research, he discovered a passion for running. Since than Eric has been running for 3 years, starting at a weight of 260 and losing a total of 86 pounds, but gaining a few back to maintain 185-190.

With the biggest struggle of keeping motivated and wanting to keep the weight off, Eric made a goal of making it to the Boston Marathon (Qualifying is not easy!) and Disney Marathon.

His advice to fellow runners wanting to make a healthy life style change, “Find your reason to run, a purpose, and run towards it and for it!! I run for God!”.


Do you know someone that has transformed their life through running? If you want to see them featured, let us know!

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