What to Eat Before that Morning Run?

By: Kellie McKinney

Why it's important to have a nutritious breakfast and what to eat before a run:

It can be hard to fuel up properly; eat too much and you'll risk upsetting your stomach, eat too little and you could run out of energy early in the run.

Maintaining muscle-

After a nights rest, your body is in breakdown mode - the muscle cells need replenished with amino acids ....the building blocks of protein.

Help aide in weight control-

Folks who eat breakfast maintain a healthier body weight  than those who skip a morning meal.  

Brain power-

Carbs are vital fuel for the brain.  Research has shown for children and adults who skipped breakfast that thinking skills, math , reading and comprehension are affected. Those who do consume breakfast are more attentive.  

Improve overall diet-

Individuals who consume breakfast have a better diet overall than those those who skip out on breakfast . Breakfast consumers have a greater intake of nutrients like protein, fiber, calcium and iron.  

Here are some quick breakfast ideas:

  • Whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter and banana.....a slight drizzle of honey if desired is a great pre- run choice.
  • Scrambled eggs with veggies and feta cheese, side of sliced sweet potatoes  is a wonderful post-run choice.  

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